Monday, January 2, 2017

Guacamole Cheddar Bacon Sandwiches

I started off planning to make avocado BLTs and then got side-tracked when I spotted the colby jack cheese in the fridge. The acid and flavors of the guacamole provide a lovely counterpoint to the richness of the avocado and cheese. I like to saute my sandwiches in mayonnaise (yup, you read that right). Mayo gives sandwiches a beautiful golden crust.

I order avocados from "Avocado Box" so I routinely have a beautiful selection of delicious avocados that need to be eaten. It's a pleasure finding recipes for them. I find a plain avocado makes a great substitute for mayonnaise in a lot of sandwiches (like that BLT I had been planning to make!).

Ingredients - Serves 2

  • 4 pieces of thick bread
  • 2 ounces of thinly sliced colby jack (or any cheddar) cheese
  • 3-4 pieces of thick cut bacon
  • 1 tbl of mayonnaise


  • 1 avocado
  • 2 tsp of sea salt
  • 1 garlic clove, minced
  • 2 tbl of lime juice
  • A small bunch of cilantro, leaves chopped (optional)
  • 1/2 serrano pepper, minced (optional)

Start cooking your bacon. Place bacon in a cold skillet, heat on medium, and flip routinely to cook evenly. Or cook however you prefer (I love baking bacon but microwaving works well, too). When finished, place on a paper towel to cool and then cut in half.

While the bacon sizzles, make your guacamole. Cube the avocado and place into a small bowl. Add salt, garlic, lime juice, and cilantro. Use a fork to mash the ingredients together.

Add a skim of mayonnaise to two slices of bread, flip over (you can place it on top of the other piece of bread so that the mayo doesn't get all over the counter), spread half of the guacamole on each slice, top each with 1 1/2 or 2 half-slices of bacon, and then add the cheese slices. Add mayo to the remaining two slices of bread and top the sandwich with them, mayo facing up.

Heat a skillet on medium and cook the sandwiches, flipping after about three minutes, when the bread is golden brown and crispy. Cut the sandwich in half and serve!

The cheese should be melty but if it isn't, a quick trick is to put the sandwich in the microwave for 15 seconds. Just enough to melt the cheese but not long enough to heat the rest of the ingredients or make the bread tough.

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