Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Roasted Cod with Olives and Lemons - Review

Last night it was this recipe: Roasted Cod with Olives and Lemons from Real Simple.  It was certainly simple. I had some gorgeous black kalamata olives left over from a party, an open a bottle of wine (I had a semi-sweet Riesling), and zested a lemon. Dropped everything into a pot with 3 thick cod loin filets and some seasoning and just waited for the oven to go *ding*.

I WANTED to love this. Olives and lemon with fish and a little wine? What could go wrong? But the cod was not a good choice. The thick,  meaty, and slightly dry cod was tough going. It was perfectly cooked and flaked like a dream but it was just too much fish for a relatively delicate sauce.

Next Time: Definitely a different fish. Something oilier. Maybe tuna, chilean sea bass, or trout. Not whitefish. The recipe called for a drier wine but the Riesling worked fine. Oh, and maybe melt a little butter in the lemon/wine sauce to add some richness - the unctuousness of the olives was perfect but they could have used a little help.

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